Sea Queen

Sea Queen


Hi, my name is Anand, and I have been working in the rank of Major in the Signal Corps of Indian Military services for the last seven years. My father is an ex-army personal and stays in Mumbai. I am still a bachelor, and my family consists of only two members, myself and my father.

My dad Subedar Major Subhash Rathore retired from defense services ten years back and started a security services office in Mumbai, which was doing good business. My mother passed away during the Covid pandemic last year, and since then, he has felt lonely and depressed, consequently losing interest in work.

The Security Services dealt mainly with the supply of security guards to residential apartments and commercial establishments, background screening of candidates before recruitment, pre-marriage investigation, etc. The average net income from this business was Rs.5.00 lacs per month, and there was enough scope to improve and expand the services. Dad wanted me to apply for voluntary retirement from service and take over the charge of business from him.

He received a good amount from Government at the time of his superannuation, which he invested in purchasing farmland located about 60 Km from the city on the Mumbai Pune highway.

A company had expressed interest in taking a portion of the farmland on a long-term rent basis for setting up an office. The company also intended to open a tourist resort, including restaurants, a bar, food stalls, water sports, etc. The preliminary agreement was signed between my dad and the company; however, the final deal will be signed after I join my dad’s business in Mumbai.

My application for voluntary retirement from service (VRS) was already forwarded to the Army Headquarters in Delhi for granting necessary approval, and I was eagerly waiting for the same.

I was lost in my thought when suddenly my cell phone started buzzing. Personal Secretary to Major General Jasmit Garg from Army Administration services, New Delhi, was online.

"Good morning, sir. I am Personal Secretary to Major General Jasmit Garg. He desires that you should come to New Delhi tomorrow and meet him. Your return tickets from Dibrugarh to New Delhi have already been booked by Air India and sent to your email. A car has been assigned to pick you up from the airport and use you during your Delhi stay," the Personal Secretary to Major General Garg informed.

This sudden development surprised me. “Why this sudden call? Is there any problem with the approval of my VRS application!” I wondered. 


The next day, the Air India flight landed in the afternoon at Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi. I collected my baggage and exited the airport.  An army car was waiting outside in the parking, which dropped me at the officer’s mess in the cantonment area.

 I called Major General Jasmit Garg.

"Good afternoon, sir. I have arrived, so when should I see you?" I inquired.

"Good afternoon, Anand. Your application for VRS has already been cleared, and the order has been issued and conveyed to your battalion this morning. Let’s meet tonight for dinner at my place," he replied.

I reached the residence of Major General Garg at 8.00 P.M. He was waiting for me in the drawing room along with Mrs. Garg and was happy to see me. Mr. & Mrs. Garg have been very close to me since I joined the army; they treated me like a family member. We shook hands, and Mr. Garg took me straight to the bar room next to the dining hall.

I looked for their daughter, Sonia, but she was not there. Mrs. Garg told me that Sonia had joined the Indian Institute of Business Management in Mumbai and pursued a Master of Business Management degree in the last six months. 

I missed her very much today. I would be retiring within a few days and was still determining whether it would be possible to meet her. Although we did not have such a close relationship, she was a good friend. She was a nice girl, who talked less, but she started talking, she won’t stop quickly, and you may call her a chatterbox! I did not get the opportunity to see her for almost one year, but she has always been present in my heart and soul.

We went together to watch movies sometimes, and her company was enjoyable. She was 7 years younger than me, and I liked her, but we never discussed love and relationship. She has a special place in my heart, which I never expressed to her; she never indicated anything to me.

I suddenly wanted to see her and tell her bluntly that I loved her. I was lost in her sweet memory; when Mrs. Garg tapped on my shoulder, she asked me to sit.

Looking into my eyes, she asked, “Missing your girlfriend, isn’t it?”

“Yes, aunty, I do miss her,” I replied. She did not say anything, just smiled.

"Please take your seat Anand, and be comfortable," Mrs. Garg said while Mr. Garg was busy pouring scotch whisky on rocks in two wide glasses and red wine in a sleek goblet for his wife, Sunita.

After a few sips, Sunita excused herself to the kitchen, returned with a young Gorkha boy carrying a tray loaded with snacks, and placed them on the center table. The snacks looked so yummy that I  realized I had missed my lunch today and was feeling hungry.

I picked up a few pieces of grilled chicken and fried prawns on a plate and started eating.  

It was 9.30 P.M. at night, and we had finished two large pegs of drinks. Major Genl. Garg still needed to speak about the purpose he had called me to Delhi.

Looking at his face, it appeared that he was in some sort of tension.  He was a very jolly man and would always tell us a lot of jokes and stories, but today he was quiet and looked a bit stressed. I don’t know why! Even madam Sunita was talking less today. Why are they looking serious ,I wondered.

"Sir, you wanted to tell me something important, is not it?" I inquired.

"Yes, we shall talk about it after dinner. Enjoy the snacks, Anand; your aunty has specially prepared for you," he said and looked at his glass of whisky.

“Let’s have one more drink!” he said. I looked at him; I never saw him taking more than two large drinks in the past!

In the meantime, he played an old Jim Reeves number, which filled the room with a melodious song.     

It was a popular sentimental number that reminded me of Sonia’s birthday party last year. We enjoyed the ballroom dancing on the slow numbers by Jim Reeves, Marie Osmond, etc. I danced with Sonia, and the sweet fragrance of French perfume emanating from her body was so enchanting I have not yet forgotten. I was missing her badly today.

We had a splendid dinner after the drink. Madam Sunita was a master in cookery, and I enjoyed the food, but the absence of Sonia disappointed me.

“Aunty, thank you so much; the food was fantastic,” I expressed my appreciation.

“Thank you, Anand,” she responded.


Major General Garg asked me to follow him to the study room and offered me a seat. I looked at him, expecting that he would say something, but he was busy playing with the buttons of a projector on his table.

“Before I say anything, I want you to see this video minutely," Mr. Garg said, dimming the light in the room and switching on the projector. A video clip from his laptop started playing on the wall screen.

It was the scene of a rave party mainly attended by young boys and girls. They were enjoying food and drinks on their tables, and some couples were dancing to the loud music on the dais. I observed that all the guests wore formal dresses, and the hostages in golden tops and black Capri were busy serving drinks and snacks to the guests.

Two guys in black suits and bowties were supplying marijuana or some sort of grass to the guests, and what I saw next was shocking! Sonia, the only daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Garg, was sitting at a table. On her table, there was another girl and two boys. I could see the girls’ faces, but the boys’ pictures were unclear in the video. Liquors and snacks were placed on the tables; most of them were drinking and smoking, which filled the room with a cloud of smoke. On the dais, some couples were swinging to the loud tunes of a fast Bollywood number, ‘Manali Trance,’ originally sung by an Indian singer Neha Kakkar.

I watched the video minutely and noted that most guests were thirty years of age. I could see Sonia holding a glass of liquor in her hand but was relieved to find that she was not smoking. 

A few tough-looking guys in safari suits stood near the entrance to the hall and permitted guests only after thoroughly checking their passes and identity. The overall scenario suggested a rave party in progress, which has become popular in metro cities like Mumbai.

The youth and some Bollywood celebrities are also alleged to have attended or organized such parties!

I realized now why Major General Garg was in so much tension. He switched off the projector and turned towards me. 

"Hope you have seen the video minutely?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir, this looks like a normal rave party, but the use of drugs has turned it illegal," I commented.

“The problem arose when the organizers  served drugs to earn more profit, and this makes the rave party illegal, unauthorized, and punishable under “the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act of 1985 in India.”

“The attendees are generally invited over social media, and code language is used to communicate,” I paused for a second and looked at Mr. Garg; he was listening to me minutely.

"Sir, I don't know under what circumstances Sonia attended the party! But I guess someone among her friends may be a habitual addict," I concluded.

“It was clearly seen in the video that Sonia was not taking drugs,” I commented.

"How did you get this video, sir?" I was anxious to know.

"Drugs & narcotics prevention department raided a drug party last month on a cruise near Mumbai and arrested some people who were found drugging or possessing drugs," Mr. Garg said.

"This video clip was found in the mobile of one of the arrested persons on the cruise," he said.

"One of my friends in the Narcotics department came across this video and recognized Sonia. He called me and emailed this video," he paused and looked at me.

"Hope you will be happy to learn that your voluntary retirement has already been approved today, and we have conveyed the same to your battalion by email," he handed over a copy of the approval letter to me.

"Anand, you are very close to us, and we treat you like a family member. I want you to go to Dibrugarh tomorrow, hand over your charge, get relieved, and then fly to Mumbai at the earliest," he directed me.

"I want to engage your Security Services Agency to take up a detailed investigation of Sonia’s activities and nexus, if any, with her close friends.”

“Let me mention that when I was posted on the Indo-Pak border near Pathankot, drug trafficking was rampant from our neighboring countries. Due to our stern action against the drug smugglers, we made many enemies who were after our blood. A notorious drug smuggler nicknamed Black Panther was shot down in an encounter with our Platoon. This group has since been threatening me and some other senior army officers,” Mr. Garg informed me.

"Sir, I will go into the depth of the case and send you a report at the earliest, and I promise that we shall give full security to Sonia,” I assured him.

 “My agency will prepare a detailed report on the current position of drug trafficking and their modus operandi," I assured him.

“Drug smuggling is still rampant in some cities and is a big menace and challenge to our society. Some enemy countries give protection to drug operators because they want to make our youths addicted and thus weaken our country,” I concluded.

"Here is a copy of the video file and my daughter's details," Major General Garg handed over a Pen drive to me.

“I am glad to inform you that the second envelope contains an official order from the Army Headquarters to your Security Services agency in Mumbai for taking up a detailed investigation into the use of drugs and their effect on society; and a recommendation for control and rehabilitation of affected people. Initially, a token advance of Rs.10.00 lacs has been sanctioned for your agency, and an account payee cheque is enclosed,” he handed over both envelopes to me.

It was now high time to leave. Mr. & Mrs. Garg came up to the porch to see me off. I shook hands and saluted Major General Garg, and Namaste to Sunita aunty, who hugged me; she was crying.

“Aunty, please don’t cry; nothing will happen to Sonia. I will take care of her,” I promised.

"Good night, sir, good night, mam," I wished them and stepped into the waiting car.

It was already 11 PM when I reached the officer’s mess. I changed my dresses and sat on a chair. I was despondent about Mr. & Mrs. Garg and Sonia. She was a simple, sound, and well-disciplined girl, and I was sure she won’t take drugs. I had met her twice in Delhi and liked her company. I was missing her today. It was beyond my imagination to even think that she could take drugs. No, she cannot take drugs, my heart said. Suddenly it came to my mind that there must be some conspiracy against her. It was a question of prestige not only for her family but for me too. I had to act fast.

I opened my laptop and started writing an email to Chander, one of our best detectives at  Bharat Security Services Agency in Mumbai.

I explained everything in the email and attached the video file, instructing him to start the investigation immediately and submit a preliminary report to me tomorrow.

Chander was a young, energetic, and experienced ex-police officer who was our most competent detective. He was a bright and knowledgeable guy having good resources and contacts in the police as well as with the local mafias in the city.

He had undergone black commando training. He solved many complicated cases, and our company established a good name due to his performance. Our clients were satisfied with our work, and new work were pouring in. I admire his competence and was sure he would quickly crack this case.

This was a critical and prestigious case for our agency, which must be solved fast. I remembered the crying of Sunita, aunty, which made me very sad. Sonia is mine, and no one is allowed to harm her. I was happy that the top-ranking officers in the army trusted our Agency.


I woke up in the morning as my cell phone was ringing.

"Good morning, sir. This is Chander."

"Good morning, Chander; how are you?" I responded.

"Sir, I have already started working on the case and hope to give you a preliminary report today by evening," Chander reported.

"That would be fine, Chander. Good luck," I said and disconnected. I must get ready fast and leave for the airport by 8.00 A.M.

My flight landed at Dibrugarh at noon, and as soon as I switched on my cell, I received a call from Chander.

"Can we talk, sir?" He asked.

"Yes, Chander, go ahead," I replied and sat on a chair inside the arrival area.

"Sir, there was a rave party on the cruise Sea Queen in the Arabian Sea 10 nautical miles from Mumbai seashore. The cruise was going to Goa on the 10th of March 2022, and there was a raid conducted by the Drug & Narcotics Prevention department. Twenty persons were taken into custody for consuming or possessing drugs. The rave party was organized by an international company Global Tours & Travel Private Ltd, owned by a local man from Mumbai,” Chander continued.

“Goa has a good demand for marijuana by a large number of local as well as foreign tourists, and hence the bulk suppliers are reported to be operating from there. The supply chain is therefore linked between Goa and some other large cities in the country. Supply in Mumbai and nearby areas is done by petty drug peddlers, and despite the Government’s everyday actions, the drug business is still prospering.

The profit from drug smuggling is very high. Hence the mafias and drug handlers take high risks in this shady business. Heroin is a costly product that is not only consumed by some addicts in India and smuggled to some other countries through the Nepal border.

International smugglers from some of the neighboring countries are constantly trying to push drugs like opium and heroin into India. Then they are smuggled to other countries via the Indo-Nepal border.

The smugglers use to send the drugs through land routes and occasionally by drones. Many a time, interception of these drones is reported from Punjab-Pak borders. The profit earned from drug smuggling is so high that the smugglers dare to take high risks. 

"According to my sources, it is learned that the notorious  Jakira gang is involved in organizing such drug parties, in association with a certain section of the mafia,” They engage some agencies for the sale and booking of seats using social media like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter," he stopped for a brief moment.

“I collected information about Sonia Garg, and nothing adverse about her is known.”

“We have to keep a watch on her activities. A hidden tiny spy CC camera has been placed opposite her door, and we can monitor the movement there. I have engaged a person to keep 24 hours watch on the footage from the CC camera,” Chander paused.

“That's all for now sir. When are you coming?” he inquired.

"You have done good work, Chander. I will be there by evening tomorrow. Meanwhile, could you engage two people to follow and watch her? Their main job will be to give her security and protection from any untoward incident," I instructed him.


The first thing I did after reaching Dibrugarh was to dial Colonel Yashwant, Commanding Officer. He confirmed the approval for relieving me of voluntary retirement immediately. Hence, a farewell dinner party was arranged in the evening at 7.00 P.M.  I went straight to his office, met him, and thanked him for his swift processing of my retirement case. He was a lovely excellent officer, and I maintained a good and friendly relationship with him. He gave me some official documents to sign and took over the charge from me as waiting for a reliever may cause delay. I was greatly relieved after handing over the charge to him. I thanked and saluted him and came out.

At my residence, the orderly had already started packing my luggage.

I took my shower and was ready to attend the farewell party in army uniform for the last time. The military uniform always made me feel proud. I will be a free man from tomorrow, but will I be happy? I did not know.

The venue for the farewell party was adjacent to the officers' mess. It was 7.00 pm, when I reached the venue. Colonel Yashwant also arrived at the same time.  The formalities of speeches by officials, including me, were over, and now it was time for the party, which consisted of a drink, dance, and dinner.  I was sitting with the Colonel and a few officers. They were all interested to know my future plan, and some were interested in my marriage plan. That was natural. I explained them my family background, and that I would look after my family business of Security Services in Mumbai, and that I did not have a marriage plan immediately. All my colleagues desired that I should be in touch with them.

By the time dinner was over, it was 10.00 pm, and some close friends dropped me to my residence. They were agitated and sad that I was leaving. I poured them a parting drink to pacify them, after which they left. I was pretty tired and slept like a log. I saw Sonia in my dream!

I woke up early and called my Ace detective Chander, “How are things, Chander?”

“Sonia has not come out from her apartment. She is sharing the flat with a girl, who is studying together with her in the same institute. Her name is Sheena, age 30 years. Her father is a rich businessman, dealing in wholesale garments and stakes in real estate. Sheena had come out yesterday evening and went to the medicine shop in the superstore across from the apartment,” Chander reported.

“One of our people followed her and saw her buying three types of painkillers, Ibugesic 400, voveran 100, and Dolo 650 drugs, which are taken by some drug addicts for intoxication, also known as multiple drug intake (MDI) or polydrug use, thus abusing the multiple drugs,” Chander continued.

“It occurs when an individual combines more than one drug or multiple substances simultaneously. These deadly combinations and highly intoxicating drugs can cause internal bleeding and brain hemorrhage. That’s all for now, boss. I shall receive you at the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport at 6.30 pm,” he concluded.

“O.K., Chander keep a watch on Sonia and Sheena. It seems we are fighting with a deadly venomous cobra hiding in a hole, and we don’t know from which direction the snake will strike. So, be ready for any eventuality,” I cautioned him and disconnected.

A lieutenant from the battalion office came to my house and handed me an envelope containing the up-to-date statement of my salary and pending travel allowances. The amount was already transferred to my bank account.

I went for a shower by 8.30 am, and was dressed in civil clothes; I received a call from Colonel Yashwant.

“Anand, I am coming to your place with my wife Jenny, and we shall have breakfast together. We are carrying food, so don’t worry about anything,” he said.

I called my Gorkha orderly to arrange the dining table immediately. Within a few minutes, they arrived. Jenny, the wife of Colonel, was very fond of me. She used to keep inviting me for dinner frequently. Most of my colleagues were married, and I was still a bachelor, so the ladies always gave me special treatment. They were close to my father; when he was serving in the army; and treated me like their son. It was, therefore, a very sentimental occasion for us to part. Madam Jenny laid the breakfast on the table. They had brought all the cutleries from their house. It was so kind of them; I felt guilty about leaving them. We took aloo paratha (potato stuffed paratha), matar panir curry(fresh green peas and cottage cheese in thick gravy), curd, half-boiled eggs, mixed fruits, apple juice, and coffee. We were eating breakfast and chatting simultaneously. 

“Don’t forget us after going to Mumbai,” madam Jenny said.

“And don’t forget to invite us to your marriage,” she said.

“I will definitely invite you both, aunty,” I responded.

Colonel Yashwant gave me a piece of paper containing a list of his friends and cell numbers in the army and navy in Mumbai. “If you require help, please don’t hesitate to contact them.”

“Thank you very much, sir,” I responded.

Finally, I bid goodbye to my co-workers in the army and left for the Dibrugarh airport. 

The Indigo airline flight landed in Mumbai at 6.30 pm. I went out after collecting my luggage. Chander was waiting near the Exit gate,  he took the trolley from me, and we went to the parking area, where he had parked his silver color Swift Desire car.  

We reached our office at Khar and sat in the chamber where my father used to sit. It was 7.30 pm now and the office was closed. The watchman Bir Bahadur was waiting for us. He was a middle-aged Gorkha man from Darjeeling. Very reliable and hard-working man. “Namaste,” he greeted me.

The office was of medium size, situated on the ground floor of a commercial building at Khar, Mumbai. The office floor area was hardly 500 square feet, and near the office, there was a rented flat, which we used by us for resting or holding a meeting. Bir Bahadur occupied one room there, we provided him with free and decent accommodation.

I freshened up and sat in the living area of the flat. Bir Bahadur brought us coffee and some biscuits and went out; he never tried listening to our official conversation, which was an excellent habit. I took a sip from the coffee mug and looked at Chander.

“Please brief me on the latest update about Sonia,” I asked him.

“Sir, the status is the same, which I reported to you earlier. She remains inside her flat and has not come out since yesterday. One of our men had entered the apartment for the food delivery night, and she had personally collected her parcel. Her picture was recorded in the CC cam video stalled in front of her flat no. H 212.”

Chander opened the app on his mobile phone to show me the live video of her flat. I told him to install the software on my mobile too, which he did, and live video from the installed spy cam was visible on my mobile. Chander told me that he had taken the service of some company that had remotely established a small app on Sonia and Sheena’s cell phones, and was recording their live GPS locations on the company’s server. This app works even if the mobiles are switched off. 

“Boss, you need to go home and rest now. Your dad is waiting to see you at home,” he advised me.

“Chander, she is the daughter of a very high-rank army officer, and we have to do everything with great precision and care as our prestige is at stake. Please ensure strict vigil on her. They have given us a job to carry out a detailed investigation against the international drug racketeers involved in the drug menace in our country,” I stood up and asked him to drop me home.

“I am interested to physically see the apartment of Sonia, so please go around her apartment before dropping me home,” I asked.

The apartment J.M.D was situated in the Khar area, and my house was located in Dadar at about 7 K.M. distance. Our security services office was hardly 1 Km. from J.M.D. apartment. I know Mumbai very well, but many new constructions took place during the last 7 years, when I was out of Mumbai, so I wanted to refresh my memory.

We left the office; Chander was driving slowly as the traffic was still high at 8.00 P.M. He slowed down and indicated towards a multi-storied building on the left side. A large concrete arch at the main entrance displayed the name Jai Mata Di.

 A Hero Honda Pulsar bike was parked a little ahead of the building. Two detectives in disguise as balloon sellers were stationed there near the main gate of the apartment building. I didn't comment on anything but was happy to note that Chander was doing his work professionally.

Chander dropped me home, parked the car in our compound, and followed me. Our servant cum cook Sanju came running and picked up my luggage. My father was standing on the front verandah. There was a big smile on his face. I touched his feet as per our tradition and he hugged me tightly.

“Welcome home, beta, I was feeling so lonely after your mom left us," he spoke.

“Dad, I have already come per your advice; you need not worry, I will take care of everything. However, I feel that you should not sit idle at home. Instead, you should sit in the office with me and keep busy looking after the administrative work that will keep you alive and happy. He was staring at me, probably to note that his son has become mature now!

I took Chander to the drawing room, and Sanju served us homemade snacks with tea.  I felt so homely with Chander.

He was still a bachelor and had no strings attached to him from the home front.

I went to my room and started viewing the live cc camera on my computer screen. The video of Sonia’s main entrance was coming live, but there were not many activities,  except for the occasional passing of some residents.


Our house in Dadar was a three-storied building. We occupied the ground and first floors, and the second floor was vacant.

We had a big drawing room on the ground floor, two moderate bedrooms, washrooms, and an open kitchenette. On the rear, there was a verandah and kitchen garden. The compound in the front had a well-maintained lawn and a garage. My father used to mow the lawn regularly and sprinkled water occasionally. Sanju also helps him in cleaning the compound. The more enormous bedroom was used by my dad, and the other one by Sanju, our cook cum helper.

On the first floor was a drawing cum dining hall, a kitchen, two bedrooms, washrooms, and a balcony on the front and rear. One of the bedrooms was occupied by me, and the other was vacant. 

 The second floor was identical to the first floor and vacant only for any relatives or guests. The house was well furnished, for which credit goes to my beloved late mother. She was a very pious and religious woman and very practical too. My dad was always in the field when I was young, but due to her initiative and management skills, the house was constructed in those days when materials and labor both were affordable. She made a small meditation room where she would regularly spend time praying, meditating, puja, and reading holy books.

On the roof, we had many plants in pots, which my mother had maintained nicely. I shall check those tomorrow morning, I thought. Sanju came to call me for dinner. I went to the ground floor, where the food was already placed on the dining table. It was a long time since I needed home food. The aroma of homely food was tempting.

I realized that I had missed my lunch today and was feeling hungry. Dad, please come; I called my father. Sanju opened the lids of the casseroles. The aroma of hot food filled the room, and it reminded me of my mother. I looked at the giant portrait of her hanging on the wall, and my eyes became wet. My father was watching me; he placed his hands on my shoulder and wiped my eyes with a damp tissue paper.  

Veg biryani, Indian Rotis(bread), kofta curry(fried vegetable balls dipped in thick gravy and topped with cream), mixed vegetables, fried brinjals, and capsicum coated in gram flour deeply fried, black lentils cooked and fried with onion, garlic, and chopped tomatoes, added with fresh butter dumplings and garnished with coriander leaves. My mother was a great cook; there was magic in her hands. I missed her.

 I was happy that I was going to have vegan foods after a long time. We prayed and started eating. After a long time, I was having vegetarian and home-cooked food and enjoyed it. My dad also enjoyed the dinner with me.“Sanju, I did not know that you are such a great cook,” I appreciated him. He was pleased to hear that.

I sat with my dad and he was glad I would stay with him. I started going to my room, so I wished him good night and waited for him to respond, but instead, he called me and said, “Anand, I want to see a beautiful bahu (daughter-in-law) in the house.”  I did not know what to say, so I smiled and wished him good night again.

“Good night, beta(son). God bless you,” he said, and we went to our rooms. Sanju was clearing the table.

Before sleeping, I looked at the live-streaming video from the cc cam from J.M.D.apartment.  I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep. Sonia was in front of me, trying to hold my hands, but she was slipping away; someone was pulling her apart.

I got up at 5.00 A.M. and woke my dad.

“Good morning, dad,” I said.

“Get up, dad. Let’s go for a morning walk,” I said

He got up and smiled, “So you want me to do military drills at my age?”

“Age is just a number, dad; you are still young,” I replied.

We went to the nearby park and walked briskly for 30 minutes. My dad said he was feeling good after the walk, so we took a vow to continue the morning walk every day.

I was going for a shower when I received a call from Chander. He said that there was a problem with J.M.D. Apartment and wanted me to reach there.

“What has happened, Chander?” I asked.

“Sir, Sheena has been found dead in the apartment, and Sonia was missing,” Chander informed.

“Ok, Chander, don't panic. Where are you?”

“I am at my house, he said.

“Please come now to the office and call those two guys who were engaged there to keep watch on her,” I ordered.

I took a quick shower and proceeded to the office.

I called all three of them into my office chamber, and the meeting began. The two young detectives were hired by Chander. Their names were Ronnie and Sammi. Both were from a reputed detective agency and were engaged by him.  They were personally known to him.

“I think this is not a time to panic, and we must keep ourselves cool,” I started.

“I am going to ask you some questions and trust that you will tell me the truth,” this will help me analyze the case.

“My first question is, how did you know that Sheena was dead?” I asked.

“Night time, we were sitting in a three-wheeler, a little away from the main gate,” Ronnie said

“At about 4.00 AM. I heard the sound of a police car entering the campus,” Ronnie continued.

“We were watching the live video from cc cam and saw police entering Flat No.212,”.

“We could also hear their voices. They were saying that Sheena was dead and suspected that it was a case of suicide. They also talked that another girl Sonia Garg was missing,” Ronnie said.

“We did not see Sonia coming out, and that's a mystery,” Ronnie concluded.

“Sammi, did you see Sonia going out?” I questioned.

“I fully endorse what Ronnie has said. We both were on duty together. And we both watched the cc cam and did not see Sonia coming out from the flat or going outside the campus,” said Sammi.

At this point, Chander intervened. He said, “Sir, as informed yesterday evening, we had taken GPS tracking service for Sonia and Sheena’s mobiles. I have contacted the service provider to give me details of their movements. They promised that the data would be made available to us within half an hour,” Chander said.


“Chander, what might have happened to Sonia? If she was not seen coming out from her flat? Neither seen going outside the campus, then where has she disappeared?” I asked him.

“Sir, it is a matter of 30 minutes; the GPS service provider has assured me to furnish the report without further delay,” Chander said.

The time displayed on the electronic wall clock was 8.00 A.M.

The watchman, Bir Bahadur, had brought coffee and salted biscuits. We had to wait another 15 minutes to get the data from the service provider.

There was a beep sound from Chander’s mobile. He opened his email and said yes, an email from the service provider was there.

We were looking at his face eagerly. He wanted to share the details with us.

I told him to open the email on the laptop, so we could see it clearly on the big screen.

He connected his mobile to the laptop and opened the file. There was a google map on the screen and, at 3.00 A.M., the location was in her flat. And then the area was changing.

The location was moving towards the rear boundary wall at 3.10 am. Then, by 3.15 am, it crossed the boundary wall and started moving fast on the backside road at 3.45 am, it was moving toward the Mumbai Port. And from there, it moved into the sea, then it became stationary at about 2 km away from the Port.

“Chander, what does the GPS reading show?” I asked.

“She was removed from the flat through the rear balcony and crossed the rear boundary wall. And taken by a car to the Mumbai Port and from there by a boat to a ship waiting in the sea,” he replied.

“You are right, Chander. That is what has happened. That’s why she did not appear in the CC camera,” I said.

“Please find out which ships are waiting to leave,” I told him. 

Chander picked up the newspaper ‘Good Morning Mumbai,’ and opened the Classifieds page, and the following advertisement drew our attention.

*    Enjoy          *           Enjoy             *             Enjoy    *

Enjoy the Sunday cruise to Goa aboard Sea Queen.

Departure: From Mumbai on Sunday at 7.00 P.M. and return from Goa on Tuesday

Enjoy: Drink and Dance with Rocky Band. Best singers, Floor shows, Magic shows.

Continental, Chinese, and Indian food bonanza. Food is included in the ticket, but alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are not included. Unlimited buffet Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner in Arabian Night Snacks are extra chargeable.

Cost: Rs.25,000/-per person

Free gift: 1(one) number T-shirt and cap for all the passengers

For tickets, call:   Amir Mob:91-2222 777 666


I told Chander that we four had to take this trip. You should make two bookings, one for myself and Ronnie and another for Chander and Sammi.

I advised that we all should wear light makeup and that fake names and IDs should be used to keep our identities to look like genuine travelers. Payments may be made in cash, and fake names and IDs should be used to support our identity secrets. We should not carry any firearms, as that would raise suspicion. We all should wear smartwatches with calling functions. Carry some tiny spy voice recorder and camera. Our mobile may not work during the cruise.

The meeting was over, and I went home,  and Chander, Ronnie, and Sammi went to buy the cruise tickets. I told Chander to send me the details of the bookings made and the departure time. Chander had already confirmed from his source that a girl was forcibly taken onboard Sea Queen, which was stationed about 2 Km away from the Mumbai Port in the Arabian sea.

I kept my clothes, toiletries, and essential materials in a backpack and took showers. Chander informed us that tickets were already bought 2 x 2, and accommodation was given to us separately in two adjacent cabins. We shall be ferried to the ship from the Mumbai Port by speed boats. We shall have to check in latest by 5.00 P.M.

Chander reported that the GPS details of Sheena were also received, and the GPS did not show any movement for her since yesterday evening. I have a news reporter friend on a local TV channel, and I told him to contact the residents of J. M. D. Apartments and try to find out minute details about the girls, like who were their close friends and any other information which could throw light on the murder of Sheena and about missing Sonia. 

I contacted Chander and said we should reach the port at 5.00 P.M. sharp.


Chander and Sammi were standing away from me when I reached the port. Ronnie came to me, and we went to the temporary reception desk. They checked our tickets and screened the luggage before we were ferried by speed boat to the ship. The boat took us to the ship, and we were transferred aboard. Our tickets were rechecked, and our addresses were verified from the ID cards produced by Ronnie.

Our names on the ticket were Ajay Agarwal and Rohit Agarwal; the porters took us to cabin no.310 on deck Level 3. I noticed that Ronnie's face was disguised like a traditional Marwari guy wearing a maroon color kurta on a tightly fitted white pajama, a decorated Rajasthani turban, and a pair of comfortable Jaipuri leather sleepers; I was wearing blue jeans trousers, a dark blue T-shirt and blue color suede leather shoes.

Chander and Sammi were in regular T-shirts and trousers, leather sneakers, and wore mustaches.

They were accommodated in cabin No.311 next to us. Both cabins had a balcony. The cabin size was moderate, 10 ft x 10ft. A double bed and a two-seater sofa and center table. An electric kettle was kept on the corner rack with plenty of coffee, tea leaf, milk, and sugar sachets. I checked the toilet. It was sparkling clean. Everything was there bath towels, face towels, soaps, shampoo, and a hand wash. There were intercoms in the room as well as in the toilet. It was suitable accommodation. 

A large size smart TV was fixed on the wall opposite the sofa.  The first thing we did was to look for any hidden cameras or spy gadgets. We did not find anything. We relaxed and sat on the sofa. Rahul told me that Sonia's GPS was still showing onboard. There was an announcement that the ship would start the journey at 7.00 PM sharp. Ronnie made two cups of coffee for us. I told him to add only one sugar-free tablet for me and watch TV.  Live footage of the high deck, restaurants,  bars, and swimming pools was showing.

I opened my mobile, and its GPS of Sonia was showing somewhere on the ship. However, If we lose internet connectivity, we may be unable to monitor her location. Therefore, we must start exploring the ship with the help of the app on our mobiles and locate  Sonia.

Ronnie talked with Sammi and told him my plan. Our groups were now in the corridor, and we moved around Deck 3. Chander was hanging his mobile from his neck and looking for a GPS signal. The signal was feeble, so we went to Deck 4, Deck 5, and Deck 6, but the signal decreased as we went up.

There was a bar cum restaurant on the 6th floor named Shangri-La, which appeared almost empty. A board outside displayed HAPPY HOUR From 7.00 P.M. to 8.00 PM. We entered there and sat at two tables separately, 

The Chinese steward came and informed us that it was time for Happy Hour, and if we bought One drink, we got one Extra. I ordered one large Black Knight Scotch whisky with one plate of Taro fish balls baked with Thai spices. Chander and Sammie had ordered one beer and Chinese sweet and sour chicken on their table.

Within 10 minutes, our orders were served. The food was tasty, and the drink was enjoyable, but I was very tensed and worried about Sonia. Who abducted her? Where had they hidden her? What is their intention? Who killed Sheena and why? Should I inform Major Garg? Or I should rescue her at my own? Oops, I was so confused. No, I won't notify him now! They will be apprehensive.        

 I called the steward and asked for our bill.

"No more drink, sir? The Chinese steward asked.

"No, maybe later!” I replied.

"Do you want something else?" he asked.

"Are you interested? He asked.

"Ya," I replied, smiling. He also smiled and went to bring my bill.

"Here is your bill, sir," the steward placed the folder containing the bill on the table.

I opened the folder. The bill was Rs.2500.00, so I paid Rs.3000, including tips.

He uttered, "Xie Xie Ni."

"Meaning?" I asked.

"Thank you, sir, " he said, bowing down with a smile.

"What is your name?" I inquired.

"You may call me John."

"Your cabin number, sir?" he asked.

"310," I said and went out.

"Let us go to our room first," I told Rahul.

We walked down to our cabin at deck 3. I checked my mobile, and there were no internet and mobile signals. I connected to Chander through a Bluetooth-enabled smartwatch. "Do you have a mobile call and internet? I asked.

"No sir," he said.

The intercom was ringing, so I picked up.

"Is it cabin 310?" someone asked.

"I am John from Shangri-La," the Chinese steward was speaking.

"Ok, sir, I am coming," he said and disconnected.

The doorbell rang. "Come in, " I said.

Ronnie opened the door, and John entered the room with a food menu.

"Sir, you can order drinks and snacks; I will serve you with no Room Service charge."

Perhaps he was happy with the tips I gave him in the bar. Or maybe he wants to earn more prizes!

"Thank you, John," I said with a smile.

"You are a good person," I appreciated.

"Shall we get 1 free for 1 drink? I asked.

"No sir, Happy Hour is only from 7 pm to 8 pm and morning from 11 am to 12 Noon, and that is also in the Bar," he replied.

"But if you buy one full bottle of Black Night, I can  arrange for you only at Rs.5000. The bar price is Rs.1000 for one peg. That means one bottle in the bar will cost Rs.13,000," he explained.

"Ok, John get us one bottle of Black Knight Scotch whisky, ice, soda, and snacks," I told him.

"Which snacks, sir? Do you like prawns?" he asked.

"Yes, John," I said.

"Ok, sir, I will get you Chinese garlic chilly prawns," he said.

"Make it less hot," I said.

"Ok, sir, I shall cook specially for you; give cash for the Black Knight bottle, " he said.

I took out Rs.5000 and gave it to him,

"Give me 15 minutes, sir," and he left.

He came within 15 minutes with a trolley carrying two plates of snacks, 4 soda water bottles, mineral water 2 bottles, 1 bucket of ice cubes, and a bottle of Black Knight Scotch whisky. 

John arranged the stuff nicely on the center table and put two soda bottles in the freezer. He was a very good person and an expert in his field.

He took out a bill for snacks, soda, and water, which was under Rs.3000.00 only. I added Rs.500.00 tips and paid the bill. He was pleased.

I called Chander to send Sammi to our cabin. He came, and I told him to take one plate of snacks, two soda water bottles, and two large scotch whisky in glasses.

The time now was 9.00 P.M. I could see on live TV that the buffet dinner had already started in the Indian restaurant Arabian Night. The dining room was more than 5000 square feet with a sitting capacity of 500 to 700. There were two large-size bar counters and about 50 numbers of stewards to serve snacks and drinks. The food containers of stainless steel were laid on the tables with a heating system to keep them warm.

There was a big stage where the members of the Rocky Band were playing and some couples dancing to the tune of hot Bollywood numbers. Some old English numbers were also coming up according to demand from the audience. Occasionally the songs stopped, the light dimmed, and the orchestra would start playing hot sexy numbers with the saxophone in the lead, accompanying the ladies performing floor shows on the dais. The frenzied crowd was enjoying hooting and whistling.   

The dining hall was jam-packed and overcrowded, but the good thing was that the dinner would continue up to late at night.

The internet was not yet restored, and we could not trace Sonia's location on the ship. I was apprehensive that the kidnapper might ill-treat her. But we needed more than just moving around.

Why not try to take help from John? He looked like a nice guy! But again, there was a risk involved. If the criminals are his friends, then we will be exposed, and the mission will fail.

Well, risk has to be taken. I prayed to God to keep Sonia safe and unharmed and make our mission successful. 

I dialed Shangri-La bar cum restaurant from the intercom, and fortunately, it was picked up by John.

"Hi, are you John speaking?" I inquired.

"Oh. Sir, you are from 310, isn't it?" he inquired.

"Yes, John, can you come?

"Sure, sir. Coming," he said, and within 5 minutes, he was in my room.

He was happy that I called him.

"John, my roommate has a problem," I told him.

"He is not enjoying alcohol," I continued.

"Not enjoying Black Knight?" he was surprised.

"This is one of the best Scotch whiskies in the world!" He said.

Rahul was just listening without any expression.

"How can I help your friend, sir? Would he like to take any other brand?"

"He does not enjoy alcohol," I replied and paused.

"Then what does he like, opium, marijuana, grass?" he was laughing aloud.

The expression on Rahul's face had changed. He was looking happy now.

John was laughing. "See how happy your friend looks after hearing the name of weeds. Is he habituated?"

"Not exactly, but he enjoys the grass," I explained.

"Sir, getting grass, weeds, or marijuana is not a problem. The main problem is that your room, is in the No Smoking Zone, and you can not even smoke cigarettes on the cruise.  There are specified areas for smoking cigarettes, but smoking weed is not at all permitted," John explained in detail.

"Can we not get weeds?" I asked.

"No sir, it is very tough," he said.

"Tough but not impossible, isn't it? "said Ronnie, placing a crisp currency of Rs.2000 in his hand.

"Please, John, please do something," Rahul pleaded for help.

John was in a dilemma; he kept mum but thought about whether to return the money or take it. I realized that he was now thinking about it more seriously.

"John, brother, if my friend's desire is fulfilled, I am willing to spend a much larger amount for you," I tried to persuade further by offering more.

"Sir, what are your names, and what do you do?" he wanted to know our details.

"My name is Ajay Agarwal, and my friend is Rahul Agarwal. We are businessmen from Rajasthan dealing in cement wholesale," I told him.

"Sir, how much can you spend? I want to know so that I may try to deal with one of my friends," He was trying to judge our financial capability.

"We can pay a maximum of Rs.10,000.00 for weeds and using the place for smoking," I clarified.

"Ok, sir, I will contact you soon if the deal is finalized.  There is a friend, who may have weeds," and he left.

I shook hands with Ronnie, "You acted quite well, Ronnie," I appreciated him.

The internet was unavailable, so I contacted Chander on his smartwatch and explained the development. We all should be connected through blue tooth smartwatches. The voice from our smartwatches will reach Chander and Sammi, but their voices will be muted on our phones.

They will keep listening to all voices and sounds near Ronnie and me and take prompt action as the situation demands. I told them about the coin hammer. A handful of coins are tied in the corner of a handkerchief, which can be lethal if struck on someone's head.

'"Sir, nothing will happen to you or Ronnie. You are already trained in martial art and can kill the enemy barehanded. And I am a black cat commando ready to kill enemies. Good luck, boss," Chander said. 

"I will be monitoring your voices and location on our watches," he assured.

We all adjusted our smartwatches and waited eagerly for John.

We left our mobiles with Chander, or else these might go to the wrong hand, and our secrecy could be revealed.


John returned and said that he had made a deal with one of his friends, who agreed to supply 25 grams of Marijuana and would also allow using his place for a sum of Rs.20,000.00.  He ( John ) would also require Rs.10,000.00 for this settlement.  He demanded a sum of  Rs.30,000.00 in cash in advance. He also clarified that if we wanted more quantity of Marijuana, we would have to pay Rs.5000/- for 25 grams, and the additional amount of Rs.10,000.00 would be required for using his suite beyond 4.00 A.M.

Ronnie took out a bundle of Rs.50,000.00, counted Rs.30,000.00, and handed it over to John. He asked us to follow him. Ronnie and I followed him after locking the cabin.

Chander will be able to hear our voice and also our location through the app on his mobile. I realized John was taking us to the basement. There was a suite in the basement, where he stopped. He knocked on the door, and a person looking like a hooligan opened the door. We went inside. John gave him Rs.20,000.00, which the hoodlum counted. He counted again using his saliva and went inside, probably to keep the money.

This time he came, sat face to face, and looked into our eyes.

"No mischief with me, else I will slit your throat," he took a chopper from his pocket and showed it to us. We kept quiet.

"John, you are their guaranteer; if they create any problem, you will be in trouble," he cautioned John.

"They are gentlemen; I know them. No chance of any trouble, I assure you," John said.

"Ok, buggers, follow me. We went inside; there was a big hall. An ample counter, which seemed familiar to me. A dais in the center, with a red carpet! Why do I feel as if  I have come here earlier? I was trying to recollect and then got a shock.

I realized that the video Major General Garg had shown me was shot in this hall.

The thick clouds began to clear up to some extent. Hopefully, Sonia is inside this suite; I was 100% sure.

The hoodlum brought a small envelope containing 25 grams of marijuana. John gave me a packet of India Kings containing 20 pieces of long cigarettes and a matchbox. John was watching us. Ronnie took out a cigarette and rolled it slowly; the tobacco started falling on the table on a piece of paper. He then took out the marijuana weeds, approximately about 5 grams, and mashed it on his palm with minimal tobacco. After mixing thoroughly, he filled it slowly in the emptied cigarette roll. Packed the marijuana weeds with the help of match sticks. He made one more similar.

John asked, “what about dinner?”

"Can you bring dinner for us?" I asked him.

"Sure, I can bring. What will you take for dinner? “he inquired.

"You may bring fried rice, chicken with gravy, fish balls, and plenty of Indian sweets like Rosagolla and Gulabjamun.

What about whisky, sir? he asked.

"Will you join us?" I said with a smile.

He was pleased and happy, "If you offer, then why not?" he replied.

"Bring a bottle of  Black Knight Scotch Whisky, soda water, and mineral water," I said and gave him Rs.6000.00.

“That will be sufficient,” he said, took the money, and went out.

The punk was looking at us. "Will you smoke?" I asked.

"No, I don't smoke weeds, but I  will drink whisky." He told me.

"Ok, brother, we are starting," I said, lighted the weeds-packed cigarette, and took a long puff. Ronnie also followed me. He also took a long breath and exhaled the smoke; within 10 minutes, we had finished two weeds cigarette, and the effect was visible on us. Our eyes became reddish, and our voice tone slurred. 

"What is your name?" Ronnie asked him.

"Mahavir," he replied, growling.

"Wow, great name!" Ronnie was becoming free with him.

"My parents called me Bajrang Bali, but my Boss changed it to Mahavir. He says Mahavir sounds better," he explained.

"That's fine. But in my opinion, Bajrang Bali sounds better and strong," Ronnie engaged him in talk.

Ronnie rolled another cigarette with weeds and kept it on the table. This was very tempting for the hoodlum. He picked it up, and Ronnie lighted it.

He took a deep puff and held the smoke in his lungs. Very soon, he was tipsy.

"Don't smoke more weeds, bro. You will not be able to consume," I advised him.

He was annoyed with me. He told Ronnie to give him another weed cigarette, and looking at me, he took a strong puff, and very soon, he was entirely under the influence of marijuana.

"Where is your Boss, brother?" Ronnie asked him.

"He lives abroad, promised to come to Mumbai, but he has not turned up," the punk said.

"I am fed up with him. He makes me work hard but pays very little," he continued growling.

"What work you do for him? I asked.

"What work? We are mafia. I provide security to him and his businesses," he said proudly.

"Why are there no customers here?" Ronnie asked him.

"We open only once a month and arrange big parties for big clients.

"We have everything here. Drinks, drugs, music, dance, magic, dinners, alcohol, smokes, women, massage, murder, kidnapping, and everything here. It is a huge business. So in a month, we earn a net profit of a minimum of 10 million." he was revealing all the secrets.

"Who is that lousy boss who does not pay you well?" Ronnie asked.

"My Boss is mighty. He has the support of many politicians." he was revealing everything.

"What is his name?" I asked.

"I don't know that," he said. I was sure that the bastard was lying.

John came with two plates of dinner for Ronnie and me. He had brought the bottle of Black Knight Scotch whisky, soda, mineral water, and ice. 

He saw all three of us under the influence of weeds, so he quickly took a large whisky and left. He was a decent person, and without his help, our mission would have failed.

Mahavir was slumbering under the influence of the weeds. We could not understand, what he was talking about.

Ronnie filled up another extra-large whisky for him, and he collapsed on the floor.

We switched off the DVR for the CC cameras and entered inside.

There were many rooms with King size beds with all possible luxurious facilities like AC, freeze, TV, intercoms, washrooms, Bluetooth speakers, microwave oven, electric kettle, etc.

The rooms had wall-to-wall carpet and four-seater sofa sets. In the last room, I found Sonia lying unconscious on a bed. I tried to wake her up, but she was under the heavy influence of sedatives and did not get up.

I was wondering how to escape from there. The ship was in the mid of the sea, and it was difficult to exit.

I felt that separate entry to this suite must be there since VIPs visited the place frequently and would not like to come through the ship's main entrance. 

I was confident that there was a secret entry point to this suite. I was, however, still looking for that. I called Chander through the smartwatch and explained the position to him. 

I told him to take all our valuables from the rooms and come to the basement, Suite no.B001.

Chander and Sammi were with us within 5 minutes. Mahavir was in deep slumber. Chander had an injectable sedative, which he pushed into his arm. 

We found a bunch of keys in his pocket, which had a huge key, for some critical lock. A key ring in his possession looked like a speed boat or car key. 

I was hopeful that there must be a secret entry and exit door to this unique suite. Chander and Sammi were searching for the door in the rear. 

They suddenly found a hollow sound on the floor in the last room where Sonia was lying unconscious. They checked it thoroughly by removing the bed and the carpet, revealing the secret door. 

We went through the secret door and found a medium-sized speed boat secured properly by ropes and locks. We had locked the suit from the inside and tied the hooligan with jute ropes available in the ship. Ronnie sealed his big mouth with adhesive packaging tapes and took away his smartphone.

He opened the lock using Mahavir’s fingerprint and changed the password. We would later screen his mobile thoroughly.

We transferred Sonia to the speed boat and detached from the ship after carefully opening the locks and pushing it out. 

It did not make any noise and started floating in the sea. We all were in the boat. The ship moved ahead in the night, unaware that we had hijacked their vessel.

The cruise had gone far ahead. Going to Goa was risky for us, and Mumbai was very far, so the option remaining was to go to Ratnagiri, which was hardly 10 nautical miles.

It was good to note that our mobiles, as well as our data, were working. I opened google Maps and started navigating the vessel toward Ratnagiri, a small town about 15 Km away.

We stopped at an isolated place close to the highway. There was a suitable place for parking the boat. The boat was stuck in the sand about 100 ft from the seashore.  Chander tested the depth of water, and it was hardly 4 feet.

We all alighted from the speed boat without any difficulty. Sonia had regained her senses and calmed down when she saw me. She said that a gang of drug dealers had abducted her.

The time now was 2.00 am, and we were walking on a paved highway. Sonia was holding me tightly and walking with my support.  We did not have any luggage to carry. Sonia, our mobiles, debit and credit cards were the only valuable property with us.

We heard the whistle of a railway engine and decided to go to Mumbai by train. The Ratnagiri railway station was 1 Km away. 

A local three-wheeler rickshaw stopped near us. We asked him to drop us at the railway station. We found that a train for Mumbai was scheduled at 4.15 am. 

Chander managed five berths in the 2nd A.C. class. We shall have to wait at the railway station for about 1.30 hours, so we went to the upper-class AC waiting room and freshened up. 

We removed the makeup from our faces. A readymade garment shop was open, but the shop owner was sleeping. I woke him up and bought a black salwar suit set with a dupatta for Sonia and a sleeper for her since she was barefooted. I told her to change her dress in the lady’s toilet.

Sonia looked very sweet in the black suit. We were satisfied that our mission was a success. Sonia looked weak and hungry, but she felt better after seeing me.

There was a food stall on the platform selling omelets, bread, butter, biscuits, tea, coffee, and cold drinks. I bought omelets, bread, butter, biscuits, and drinking water.

I asked Sonia to eat. The kidnappers had not given her anything to eat; they just kept her in sedation. That was very cruel.

We were all settled well in the waiting room and ready to board the Mumbai Jan Shatabdi Express train, which was scheduled at 4.15 am, and was expected to arrive shortly. 

Our coach number was A3, which would stop near the waiting room, we were sitting.  An announcement was made that the train was entering the station, so we went to the platform and waited.

 The train stoppage was for 2 minutes only. The coach stopped in front of us, and we boarded. The coach was immaculate, and we settled in our seats. The train was moving toward Mumbai at a fast speed.

A hawker selling coffee and tea was passing by, I ordered coffee for all of us, which he served in small disposable paper cups.

Sonia and I took the lower berths, Chander and Sammi were on the upper berths, and Ronnie occupied the more melancholic side berth. The coach attendant had supplied bed rolls to us. 

Ronnie had spread the bed rolls for Sonia and me. I made Sonia sleep, and I was sitting on her berth. I looked at her innocent face; she had fallen asleep. I massaged her head softly. She was still holding one of my hands.

Next, I sent an email to Major General Garg reporting the complete episode in detail, and then I called him. He was shocked and surprised to hear the episodes. 

I told him that the ship has been used regularly for selling drugs on the pretext of holding rave parties. The Narcotic Prevention department should arrest the hooligan Mahavir from basement Suite No.B001, who is deeply involved in drug smuggling and many other criminal activities.

According to Mahavir, kingpin is a person from our neighboring country who operates from the middle east country.  

Major General Garg thanked me for rescuing Sonia safely. And said that he had already informed the Narcotics Prevention department about raiding the cruise; they would arrest Mahavir, the hooligan, for doing illegal activities, thoroughly investigate the case, and punish the culprits. 

Mr. & Mrs. Garg will be arriving in Mumbai this evening, and I requested them to please stay at our house. I was sure my dad would be thrilled and happy to see Sonia and her parents.


Most of us had slept for a few hours on the train and felt refreshed. The time now was 8.00 am, and in another two hours, we would reach Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus at 10.15 am.

We bought toothbrushes and toothpaste, soaps, etc., and we freshened ourselves. We ordered our breakfast. 

We reached Mumbai at the scheduled time and hired an Inova taxi to my house in Andheri. Mr. & Mrs. Jasmit and Sonia Garg had already boarded the flight in Delhi and would be arriving in Mumbai by 1.30 P.M.

It was agreed that Chander, Ronnie, and Sammi would go to their respective places, get ready, come to my house to review our mission accomplished, and have lunch at my place.

Major General Garg had sent an email that, per army protocol, the Maratha Regiment would provide him escort and pilot cars to receive him at the Airport. So there was no need for Anand to receive him at the airport.

I had already briefed my dad about Sonia. He was pleased to know that I liked her. I had called Miss Ruby, our Receptionist in the office, to come to my house and help us arrange the lunch and look after Sonia and her parents. 

I had also asked her to buy a few beautiful booke for Mr. & Mrs. Garg and Sonia. There was a ladies' garment shop near my house where I could purchase dresses for Sonia. 

Sanju said that cooking food for about 15 people was no problem since there were good cooking ware and dinner sets in the house.

By the time we reached home, Miss Ruby had also arrived.

Our taxi entered the house. My dad was waiting for us on the front verandah. Sonia looked beautiful, fresh, and relaxed. I introduced her to my dad. She bowed and touched his feet, and dad blessed her, putting his hands on her head.  

Miss Ruby presented a beautiful rose booke to Sonia and led her inside. Ruby fed her some sweets especially brought from Haldiram Restaurant. 

Ruby had bought several sets of beautiful dresses for Sonia and cosmetics. Sonia had a shower, and Ruby helped her in dressing.   She did light makeup and wore a pink color salwar suit and dupatta. She was looking awful. 

I also bathed, put on a comfortable crème color kurta pajama set, and looked in the mirror. Not bad, Sonia was waiting for me in the drawing room. She looked so beautiful in the pink dress

The was a table kept near the portrait of my mother. She folded her hands to offer respect and offered flowers,  

I was so happy to see her feelings and respect for my late mother. I also prayed in front of my mother's portrait. 

I told Ruby to show her the second-floor accommodation and take her to the roof. Sonia asked me to accompany her, so I, too, went with them.

Sanju had done an excellent job. He had cleaned the entire upper floor, changed the bedsheets, and furnished the washrooms with a fresh set of white towels, soap, shampoo, room fresheners, etc. 

Sonia was pleased to see the arrangements. She was excited to view the surrounding area and appreciated the rooftop plants.

We went to the ground floor, and she observed the kitchen and took stock of what was being cooked by Sanju. 

She went to my dad's room and took his blessing. We sat at the dining tables and drank fruit juice. My father talked about my mother with her. 

I checked the status of flights and confirmed that Sonia's parents would arrive as per schedule.

Chander, Ronnie, and Sammi were at my house by now. They were sitting with me on the 1st Floor around the dining table. Sonia and Ruby were also there. 

Sonia's parents still needed to arrive. They would be able to reach the earliest by 2.00 pm. I called Sanju and inquired about the food position. He said all the items would be ready by 1.30 pm.

We all were cheerful because, despite some glitches, our mission was successful, and Sonia was rescued without any harm. 

We had certain clarifications to seek from Sonia regarding the death of  Sheena. I did not want to talk about such a ghastly matter, but Sonia volunteered to speak about it.

"Ask me any question without hesitation. I am ready to answer," Sonia said.

"Ok. My first question is how were you present at the drug party?" I asked.

"Sheena had become friendly since we studied together and later shared the flat with me. We became more friendly over time. She invited me to her boyfriend's birthday party aboard the Sea Queen cruise stationed at Mumbai Port. I accompanied her, and only after reaching there I saw that they were taking marijuana, and I firmly refused to join them," she continued. 

"The boyfriend of Sheena made a video and tried to blackmail me. But I was not deterred. Because I did nothing wrong," she continued.

"Her boyfriend was a drug addict and was arrested during a raid by Narcotics & Drugs Prevention department, and his mobile was seized, where my video was there. After seeing the video, my dad panicked because a Drug dealer had threatened him to take revenge."

"Sheena had a fight with her boyfriend, and she threatened to take action against him,"

"Her boyfriend was putting pressure upon her to attend the party on the cruise with me, but she declined and sent his goons to take her there forcibly."

"Due to frustration, she bought some drugs from the chemist's shop and consumed them in high doses, which caused her death. When the hoodlums saw her dead, they suddenly decided to abduct me, as commanded by their boss," she stopped and looked at me.

That was my guess too, I thought.

"Sir, I want a clarification from you," Ronnie asked.

"Go ahead, Ronnie," I responded.

"I had rolled the cigarettes filled with marijuana myself and was expecting that we would get intoxicated after smoking, so what is the secret that nothing happened to us but the Mahavir collapsed?" he inquired!

I was laughing. They all were looking at my face. "Ok, guys, anyone having a pen, give it to me? I asked.

Ronnie gave me a green dot pen and Sammi also gave me his pen. I picked up the cells and returned them.They kept their pens in their pockets. 

Ronnie asked me, "Sir you have not yet answered my question."

"I have already clarified to you," I spoke.

"How?" he was looking at me.

"Sleight of hands, man. Look at your pens," I said smiling.

And they found their dot pens were interchanged. 

"Look, many a time, we do not look at things properly. I had kept the weed cigarettes with me and we both smoked India Kings cigarettes. The punk, however got kicked from the real weed cigarettes, smoked, and collapsed."

"And on top of that, Ronnie gave him an extra large neat Black Night whisky. That was enough to put him down, and the credit goes to Ronnie the Great!" I was laughing and all others joined me.

"Are you smoking cigarettes regularly?" she asked me. 

That made everybody laugh. The atmosphere was full of laughter and happiness. 

My dad had also joined us and was smiling.

He had placed a large 2-liter bottle of Chivas Regal 25 years old Scotch whisky, on the table. And all my detectives were busy searching for drinking glasses, soda water, and ice buckets. We all were excited to taste it.

I received a call from Mr. Garg; he said that within 5 minutes, he would be reaching. Sanju opened the gate, and we waited near the entrance.

The siren was audible now. The pilot car was approaching, slowed down, and stopped. Sammi signaled the vehicle to enter our compound. Mr. & Mrs. Garg alighted from the car.

I took them to the first floor and requested them to sit on the sofa near my father. My father welcomed them by presenting the booke to Mr. and Mrs. Garg. Mr. Garg and Mrs. Garg both hugged Sonia. I introduced Chander to them and Mr. Garg patted his back to show appreciation. 

He noticed the extra large bottle of Chivas Regal on the table and thanked my father for it. He said it was high time to enjoy the special gift from my father. 

"No tea or coffee, Chivas Regal only," he said and opened the bottle. He made two drinks, one for himself and the other for my dad.

"Cheers, Mr. Subhash Rathore Ji. Hope you have liked my daughter Sonia!"

"Cheers, Sonia is a very adorable girl, I am more than happy," Dad said. 

Mrs. Sunita Garg opened her bag and took out a diamond ring.

Dad also took out a diamond ring and gave it to me.

Sonia and I stood together and exchanged the rings.

Chander and Ronnie took pictures. 

There was a big celebration, which continued up to late at night. Everybody enjoyed the snacks and food prepared by Sanju and danced. Sonia mostly danced with me, and Ruby was a good dancer who accompanied all the bachelor boys.

Mr. Garg declared that the formal engagement ceremony would be in Delhi.

The party continued...........ever after

Chander continued with his excellent work. Ronnie and Sammi have been permanently absorbed into our Agency. The Security Services Agency's  Turnover has more than doubled with our efforts. 

Sonia completed her M.B.A. with excellent grades, and we are planning for our marriage.

Disclaimer: This story or any other story posted on this Blog/Web site is entirely a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents portrayed in these are the work of the author's   imagination. Any resemblance to the actual person/persons, living or dead, events localities is entirely coincidental.


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